
Fire, Water & Pipes

The main Russian PRO jibbing wakeboarding competitions. The two-day festival is held annually in August, which allows athletes to approach participation at the peak of the seasonal form. #FireWaterPipes the only competitions in Russia that are visited by foreign riders from around the world. Such interest is provided both by the venue: the unique two-level jib park #Kingwinch and by one of the largest prize funds in world wakeboarding: $ 20,000 in 2018. Competition rules are not limited to official regulations, which allows you to show riding on a wakeboard in the most spectacular way. In the Cash 4 Tricks category, riders receive cash for the best tricks in free program. Competitions have already visited such wake stars as Daniel Grant, Dominick Guehrs, Liam Peacock, Daniel Rutten, Angelika Schriber and many others. Every year, the #Kingwinch team prepares a spectacular entertainment show for competition guests, and everything that happens is being recorded for new wakeboarding films. The number of visitors #FireWaterPipes on Fort Constantine reached 7000 people.

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